Tuesday 4 April 2017

LO3: How to refrence (Harvard Refrencing)

R E F R E N C E ?

Including information that you have read in a book,journal, website, etc or used information from a T.V Programme in your work then you need to acknowledge where this information came from.
When you do this you acknowledge that the ideas you are presenting are not your own and give credit to the person who originally developed them. It also allows the people who read your work to track down the original author and read the information in its original form.

Harvard referencing system is the most common style of referencing system.

How should I present a quote or reference ideas?
When you want to use a section of text that you have found in a source in your own work, you should use quotation marks and include a reference.
will also need to include the page number on which the quote appears in the original source.  You should use a colon (:) to separate the date and page number.
For example Brown (2006:11) or: (Brown, 2006:11) . If you are not directly quoting or taking from a passage , rather it is a piece of substantial work/study then :
Davies (2011) suggests that…

How do I reference a news article online?

i) Author(s)
(ii) Year of publication (in round brackets)
(iii) 'Title of article' (in single quotation marks)
Title of newspaper (in italics, Title Case)
(v)  Date,(day/month), page numbers
Name of electronic resource (in italics)
(vii) [Online]
(viii) Available at: URL of electronic databases
(ix) (Accessed: day month year) 
Lyons, J. (2012) 'Why the long face? ; PM's rough ride over 150 Brooks messages', Daily Mirror, 5 November, p.2 Lexis Library  [Online]. Available at: http://library.beds.ac.uk/record=b1402752~S20 (Accessed: 20 July 2013).

How do I reference a YouTube video?

The elements which should be included in your bibliography/reference lists are :

i) Name of person posting video
(ii) Year video posted (in round brackets)
(iii) Title of film or programme (in italics)
(iv) Available at:
(v) (Accessed: date)
BONZKultur (2011) Street Dance in Paris. Available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed: 18 July 2013).

How do I reference a YouTube video?

The elements which should be included in your bibliography/reference lists are :

i) Name of person posting video
(ii) Year video posted (in round brackets)
(iii) Title of film or programme (in italics)
(iv) Available at:
(v) (Accessed: date)
BONZKultur (2011) Street Dance in Paris. Available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5ZSAnUGLH8g (Accessed: 18 July 2013).

How do I reference a television programme?

Programme title, Year [TV]. Channel. Date. Time

In text reference:

This event was reported on television the same day (News at Ten, 2008).
News at ten, 2008 [TV]. ITV1. 16th June. 22:00

How do I reference social media comments?

@Username. "Full text of tweet."
Twitter, Day month year posted, time posted, URL.
Lastname, Firstname [or username or page name]. "first several words of a facebook post..." Facebook, Day month year posted, time posted [if available], URL.

@libechillbro. "Root beer floats are in honor of National Library Week, and we'll be handing them out from 2:30-4:30 this afternoon." Twitter, 18 June 2013, 4:39 PM, twitter.com/libechillbro/status/2651151366.

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