Wednesday 5 April 2017

LO2 Newspaper Analysis


The Independent
Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election

Summarise the main points of the article.
  • Trumps team had been in contact before the election
  • Possibly to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy through Russia posting fake news.
  • USA have denied this to be true.
  • To report and inform .
D) Explain your choice of purpose.
Effects everyone in the world due to it having somethings to do with 

'Law enforcement and intelligence agencies found that members of Donald Trump’s campaign and other associates had repeated contact with Russian officials in the run-up to the election.'

This shows the purpose of the article is to inform the public on what is occuring. Also this shows the purpose of the article is to report to us on what has happened. Russians being in contact with the Donald Trumps team before the election was detailed in the article in order to report and the public on what has happened.
'Inteligence agencies were also concerned by Mr Trump's remarks last summer'
This clearly shows how the article is also a report. The Independent has provided information on the problem.

E) Identify the tone of the article
This article is quite formal

Identify 3 Techniques which have been empowered by the writer.
Analyse each technicque and explain is purpose or effect.

F) Justify your choice of tone with evidence from the text.
The article has used repretetion - 'strongly denied ' is used more than once in the aricle. This is to get Donald Trumps view of the situation across.

I) Think of the ideas, opinions or issues involved in this article you have read.

In my opinion i believe this issue to be a very major issue because of the effects it my have had on Donald Trumps campaign.Although, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States many people were not happy with him being elected.For Donald Trumps team being in contact with the Russians before his campaign could give Hilary or non Donald Trump voters a reason for him being elected.Donald Trumps team being in contact with the Russians was said to have something to do with 'sabotaging' Hilary Clinton's campaign. I do not understand why this information is not effecting Donald Trump as he is now the President Of The united States.Was there not enough proof or evidence for this to be true? And if this was to be true can this effect Donald Trump as president and give justice to Hilary.
Four current and former US officials told the New York Times'
This conveys how this information is probably true due to coming from a quite high and reliable sources.In my opinion this should be enough evidence to investigate if the campaign between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton was fair.  What I found interesting was they have more than enough evidence such as 'they had intercepted phone records and phone calls and had found evidence of the repeated communications last year'. I did not understand why this information was not told earlier but after Donald Trump was elected.
'They discovered that Russia had carried out a "campaign of influence" upon the election, posting fake news to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy.'
This clearly shows this was in order for Donald Trump to be elected president and ruin Hilary's Campaign.
'US intelligence officials also did not say how much of the communication with Russia was related to business.' This goes to show how he cma


Who: Donald Trump and The Russians
Where: Washington
What: Donald Trump in contact with Russians before elected President.
Why: Sabotage Hilary's Campaign.
How: Hacking of the

Sentence Structure

Simple: Mr Trump later said he was being "sarcastic".
Mr Trump knew for almost three weeks, and Vice President Mike Pence was told 11 days after his boss.
Compound: The FBI is also trying to determine the accuracy of the so-called dossier, compiled by a former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, which allegedly contains salacious details about Mr Trump and evidence of his and his associates' links to Russia, which the White House has strongly denied.

Pick 5 Articles :
  • Purpose and The Audience

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