Friday 9 June 2017

LO4 - Mode Of Address and Structure

The purpose of my article is to inform reader on the effectiveness of blogging and why cultural awareness is important.This is due to Sheffield being a multicultural city. However, is not well informed on different cultures.
The article is written for a female audience due to the style and interview being 'girly'.Through the vocabulary usage such as 'glamourous'. This can be seen as a 'pretty' word that can clearly present the feel of the gender this article is written for and an age group from 18- 40.I have carefully selected language used in the article.
Mode of address used in this article is teacher to pupil due to it being an article to inform users on how beneficial cultural awareness is and how blogging has helped. I have used Formal language. However, the interview were not as formal.The article is not offensive. I have used a different level of vocabulary to give the reader a better and clear understanding.The interview is quite direct due to it being a more relaxed interview, which fits my target audience perfectly. 

Overall, the mode of address is formally written with a variety of different sentence structure for the article to be more interesting and fit for to inform my C2DE Category target audience.
These kind of language choices are use by newspapers such as the Daily Mail, The Sun etc.
The repetition of the word 'benefical' to clearly get the reader to understand and reinforce the message of why cultural awareness is important.
The interview clearly shows the use of primary research with a relaxed and friendly interview. The tone of this interview is peer to peer, which is why the tone of my article has changed through out.

The rhetorical questions used in my article get the audience thinking and has a positive affect on what my aim is.
'How is being culturally aware beneficial?' The affect this has is allowing reader to have an understanding on what the article is about, getting to.
My article tone is an opened minded and convincing tone not just through the rhetorical question.Overall, the tone is informative.
The sentences used in my article vary from compound to complex and short. This is in order to suit my C2DE audience.
Words such as 'beneficial' allow the reader to feel they are gaining something which is what the affect should be and what the reader should feel.Through giving the target audience information on how they can become more cultural aware.The article allows my C2DE Female audience to feel the ability that they are able to act and become more culturally aware.

Wednesday 7 June 2017


LO3: Evidence Of Contacting Blogger

Approval of interview

LO4: Final News Article*


Blogging, which was initially used to portray your thoughts, lifestyle, advice etc. To an audience. However, over the years blogging has changed and is now used through different industries. Whether its entertainment purposes or just to provide information. One popular example is the contribution blogging has had on businesses. This has been beneficial to companies by giving readers regular updated information, interacting with customers and providing a higher company image.

Cultural awareness is an essential skill to possess in today’s day and age. It is the ability of being aware, informed and knowledgeable on different cultures, beliefs and stepping back from our usual selves. Especially in 2017’s multicultural society. Where people have different perspectives. How is being culturally aware beneficial?  Why is it so important? Becomes central when we have to interact with people from other cultures. People see, interpret and evaluate things in a different way. What is considered an appropriate behaviour in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. Misunderstandings arise when I use my meanings to make sense of your reality.

Combining the two (cultural awareness and blogging) to educate people through informing people on a culture they haven't heard about in a more fun and exciting way.

Aisha Kahn, an ambitious, unique and glamourous Ethiopian blogger, who has creatively changed the media industry through her breathtaking work ethic and her contribution in informing and educating others on an artistically stunning culture. Her success has led her to build her own East African inspired clothing line. 

I sat down with Aisha to get a clear understanding on Blogging and it’s important.

1. "How has social media benefited your career?" 

AISHA "Well, social media is what got me start blogging so I guess social media is a really big part of my career. You can say without social media I wouldn't ever be blogging. I received loads of support and appreciation through social media and allows me to know what people want to see through comments or direct messages. 

"Without social media do you think you would be blogging?" 

AISHA "Never in a million years would I have been blogging, social media inspired me to start logging. 

"When did you want to start blogging?" 

AISHA: " I never imagined myself blogging, it all happened unexpectedly. I first started to share my pictures with people through Instagram and Tumblr and started t received an overwhelming amount of attention. I think that was because many people were unaware of Ethiopian culture and were fascinated. After I received messages, comments even emails from many different people who really enjoyed my page and wanted to know more about me. So I decided to blog. Best decision of my life! 

"What inspired you to start blogging?" 

AISHA: "What inspired me to start blogging was finding out the Ethiopian culture was not celebrated enough as I thought it was in the media. Growing up in an Ethiopian house hold eating Injero, wearing Ethiopian clothes and listening to Ethiopian music was amazing and finding out not as many people were exposed to this culture was quite upsetting to me. Blogging has enabled me to express my culture to not just East African but a variety of different people. 

"Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?" 

AISHA: “Well, I am currently studying International Business Management and Blogging on a daily basis. I see blogging as a hobby rather than a job but hopefully would like to take this further into a career. I hope to own an Ethiopian store selling things from clothes, beauty products and hopefully extend the brand into a restaurants allowing Sheffield to taste Ethiopian food from Injero, Khamir, Kitfo, Sambusa, Shahanful and the list goes on." 

"What was you doing before blogging?" 


AISHA: "Before blogging I was non-stop studying and was not very happy. Believe it or not blogging saved my life. It allowed me to enjoy and appreciate life much more" 


"What would you say the greatest satisfaction of being a blogger is?" 

AISHA: This may sound cheesy. But the greatest satisfaction is knowing people look up to you and are appreciative of my determination to succeed. 



"Where do you see yourself, career and blog in the future?" 

AISHA: "Blogging is something I enjoy doing and I would never want to turn it into something like a chore. I would hate that. Hopefully, in the future the business will be going great, I'll still be enjoying blogging and living a joyful life. 

7. How has your blog helped the Ethiopian culture become more celebrated?

 8. What advice would you want to give someone who is thinking about creating a blog/ start blogging?


"How do you want to improve yourself in the next year or do you have and specific goals for the rest of this year?" 

AISHA: “Each year I hope to grow into becoming an overall better person. I would not want to give a time limit on a specific goal but I hope each year I learn and grow as a person. 


"What do you do in your spare time when you’re not blogging?" 

AISHA: "In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, who mean the world to me. Whether it's going out or just staying at home I love their company." 


"Who was your first style icon?" 

AISHA: "My first style icon will have to be Iman. I admire her for not letting coming from East Africa stop her from accomplishing her dreams and goals.