Saturday 6 May 2017


Being able to have access to current events and worldly topics is very important. This is because the world is constantly changing and people need to be aware of what is taking place in the world. News is provided to the audiences through a variety of different media product. For example, though, social media, radio, television and print media. These are the most popular way for news companies to supply audiences with news in order to inform and educate the world on newly received information especially on recent events. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the types of media products which cover the news and provides this news to an audience to allow people to understand what is happening. Citizen Journalism allows people to report and inform others on what has something that has occurred and have the ability to inform others through technology. For example, the use of Smartphones allows you to photograph and report breaking news.

Social media is a very popular platform today. With over 1.96 billion people active on social media globally. Popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat etc. Have used their worldwide platform to present news to their audience, which is a mass audience consisting of both genders from teenagers to adults. Having a mass audience is an advantage especially bfor transmitting new and information to the end user. Social media is a great way to provide news across to audiences. An example of a social media product which has a big part in providing news is Snapchat. Snapchat is a popular app with over 60 million international users. This media product uses its platform to bring news across to its audience. For example, Snapchat have a section on top news and magazine brands for audience to easily view. The type of news and magazine companies included on Snapchats app are Buzz Feed, Cosmopolitan, Daily mail, National Geographic, Ok! etc. Snapchat has a wide variety of news types for a wide variety of audiences. Buzz feed is a popular news and magazine online brand which is targeted at a much younger audience than the target audience for national geographic. This goes to show Snapchat have a mass audiences consisting of different genders, age, lifestyle etc. This is a great reason for news companies to use Snap Chat as it is also a news provider. The reason news companies use social media is for people to receive their news is because of how popular social media is. This makes social media a suitable platform to inform users. These are some examples of the type of news you are able to view on Snap Chat. Social media is a great way for citizen journalists to report and inform others on the event. Another reason social media is a popularized platform to use is due to its positive results in distribution, where companies are now able to distribute products and receive increase in brand recognition. Social media is now a very popular distribution method similar to how radio once was.

Overall, social media is a great platform to use. This is because of the

 Another media product used to provide news is through the T.V, which is a very traditional way of giving news to audiences. Although it is a traditional way of providing news across, it is also still very popular. Channels such as BBC1, BBC News, ITV1, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky are some of the popular Channels in the U.K. Television programs such as the BBC News who own BBC Africa, BBC Asia to present news worldwide. They also have an online website worldwide to access news wherever. BBC News app is also a very popular used media product. AL Jazeera, also known as JSC, is a Doha-based state-funded broadcaster owned by the Al Jazeera Media Network is different to the BBC. This is because Al-Jazeera is based on news from the Middle East rather than the rest of the world.

Radio is also a traditional way of marketing. As well as online and television, BBC also own many radio stations presenting music as well as news. Although this is a traditional way of receiving and giving news but yet very popular. BBC Radio is the most popular listened to radio in the U.K. BBC radio 2 with 15 million views is the highest listened to radio. There are also many popular radio stations that also presents news such as Capital, Capital Xtra, Heart which all present entertainment as well as news. Rupert Murdoch is an Australian billionaire who owns conglomerate companies such as News Corp and 21st Century Fox. News Corp is a conglomerate company owning several successful subsidiaries The Australian. Such as;

The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun / Sunday Herald Sun, The Courier Mail, The Sunday Mail (Brisbane), The Advertiser., The Sunday Times (Western Australia), The Mercury etc. Print media is quite a traditional way of providing to audiences. However, it is still a very popular and successful way of providing news.

Technological convergence is the when different technological system work together in order to work towards similar tasks. For example, a smart phone includes a mp3 player and phone calls, which were two separate products before until the two converge. Another example is the internet. Videos will not have been able to have uploaded onto YouTube without technological convergence due to film making being a tech convergence. Media product that present news is now able to provide news through apps, social media etch thanks to technological convergence. Downloading apps such as the Guardian and buzz feed is possible. Comparing these two apps which are to inform audiences. These two aps are fairly different through presentation, audience etc. Buzz feed is for a much younger audience than The guardian which is aimed at the ABC1 group with a much higher vocabulary usage. Buzz feed is aimed at teenagers in the c2de group.

Web 2.0 was created in 2004 by Riley media after collaborating with Media Live. Web 2.0 allows the world wide web to be an interactive. Before Web 2.0 websites were either viewed or downloaded and Wen 2.0 allowed users to interact and even take control of pages. For example, Wikipedia allows the end user to rewrite and edit their content. Social media is also a very interactive feature allowing people to make connections and expanding businesses. YouTube is a very popular place for news companies to portray their news. The create their channel to present videos or clips. For example, Buzz Feed have a YouTube channel which have over 11million subscribers and also have views up to 66 million. YouTube is a great way for people wherever to watch whenever.

Darcy DiNucci, consultant on information design, introduced the meaning of Web 2.0 in an article. “The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are beginning to appear, and we are just starting to see how that embryo might develop. The Web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens.”

News agencies provide news to media product to provide that news their audience. There are many news agencies around the world, three global news agencies, Agnese France-Pressed (AFP), Associated Press (AP) and Reuters, have offices in most countries of the world and cover all areas of information. For example, AFP is the 3rd biggest news agency in the world and provides news internationally. AFP's 200 bureaus cover 150 countries across the world, with 80 nationalities represented among its 2,260 collaborators.


These two articles focus on the affect trump has had on the UK's economy. The BBC and The International Business times both have articles on how the UK's economy has boosted because of Donald Trump. The BBC have used text to explain the ways Trump has or can boost their economy. In this article the BBC have not used any photographs to portray this. They have based their article from a statement made by a central banker. Although The International Business times have portrayed the same message across through a video in their online article. Unfortunately, these article have not portrayed what harm Trump may cause to the UK. They have written bias articles on hoe positive Trump is. I believe these articles are quite bias because they have only described the positive impact trump has had on the UK rather than the negative.

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