Wednesday 22 March 2017

LO3 : Planning The Article *

  • Sport
  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Communties
  • Politics
These are 3 ideas, which I would like to take forward for my sheffield basedarticle.

Community + Arts/Media

Interviewing an upcoming  Sheffield Blogger and her plan to start an Etiopian Fashion and Health Care in order to Celebrate.
Animal Care

Animal health is not a big as a topic in Sheffield. More people need to be aware of . Secondary research e.g. Rspca online.

Education in Sheffield
Education in shefield needs to be improved.More people neeed to be aware of how education in sheffield needs to impoved and how.

LO3: Secondary Research Techniques

By far the most widely used method for collecting data is through secondary data collection, commonly called secondary research. This process involves collecting data from either the originator or a distributor of primary research (see Primary Research discussion below). In other words, accessing information already gathered.
In most cases this means finding information from third-party sources such as marketing research reports, company websites, magazine articles, and other sources. But in actuality any information previously gathered, whether from sources external to the marketer or from internal sources, such as accessing material from previous market research carried out by the marketer’s organization, old sales reports, accounting records and many others, falls under the heading of secondary research.
Ease of Access
In years past accessing good secondary data required marketers to visit libraries or wait until a report was shipped by mail. When online access initially became an option marketers needed training to learn different rules and procedures for each data source. However, the Internet has changed how secondary research is accessed by offering convenience (e.g., online access from many locations) and generally standardized usage methods for all data sources.
Low Cost to Acquire
Researchers are often attracted to secondary data because getting this information is much less expensive than if the researchers had to carry out the research themselves.

Quality of ResearchThere are some disadvantages to using secondary research. The originators of the primary research are largely self-governed and controlled by the marketer. Therefore, the secondary research used must be scrutinized closely since the origins of the information may be questionable. Moreover, the researcher needs to take sufficient steps to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the information provided.

For example using Wikipideia a very popular source for information, which anyone is able to edit. This makes the source not very reliable.

Less Credible and More About Selling a Product
Television shows or doucmenturies glamorise their show for vies hrough celebrities, high quality cameras, angle movement etc.

Google Alerts are notifications given to people in order to alert people on news, latest rends etc. Journalist will have links to social media in order to be aware of what is occuring.
Crowd Sourcing - Information callouts
Crowdsourcing allows businesses to use the input of multiple sources, both within the corporation and externally, to develop solutions for strategic issues or to find better ways to complete tasks. This new culture of innovation, supported by crowdfunding for worthwhile projects, allows for idea collaboration and technological innovation for the greater good. Further, our increasingly mobile world population allows for people from anywhere, and with any background, to give their input on a project.
Web Sources - Academic Work v. Popular opinions.
Observation - E.g. focus recording , evidencing.

Evaluating Sources and Information

Reliablity -(e.g. Use of field experts, first had eye- witnesses, authority - official v subordinae, use of primary and secondary
definers)How truthful the source is.
Relevance - Does the research relate to the topic?
Accuracy - How correct the information given is.Cross refrencing the information view more than one source.
Validity- If the information, pointof view valid or relevant? Does the information have value?
Accessibility - How easy it is to gather or collect the information. Who do you have acess to and is it acessable?
Quality- Information with a high value. This means gathering information that is quality and relevant for readers.
Cost Effective- Resources such as Travel, Food, Equipment Cost etc.May cost more money than the story.Is it cost effective.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Unit 7 To Do list

  • Lo2 - Analyse 5 articles
  • Lo1 - Update report

Unit 7 Language Analsis-Critreria for grading

Describe the structure and purpose for diffeent news articles

WWWWH, paagraphing, sentence structure ( simple, complex)

Mode of address, purpose, audience.

Elaborate coding(Basil Burnstein) Words are higher level of reading e.g. The Guardian, Independen, Financial Times.

Restrictive Coding use lower merit e.g. The Sun .

LO2 Newspaper Analysis


The Independent
Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election

Summarise the main points of the article.
  • Trumps team had been in contact before the election
  • Possibly to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy through Russia posting fake news.
  • USA have denied this to be true.
  • To report and inform .
D) Explain your choice of purpose.
Effects everyone in the world due to it having somethings to do with 

'Law enforcement and intelligence agencies found that members of Donald Trump’s campaign and other associates had repeated contact with Russian officials in the run-up to the election.'

This shows the purpose of the article is to inform the public on what is occuring. Also this shows the purpose of the article is to report to us on what has happened. Russians being in contact with the Donald Trumps team before the election was detailed in the article in order to report and the public on what has happened.
'Inteligence agencies were also concerned by Mr Trump's remarks last summer'
This clearly shows how the article is also a report. The Independent has provided information on the problem.

E) Identify the tone of the article
This article is quite formal

Identify 3 Techniques which have been empowered by the writer.
Analyse each technicque and explain is purpose or effect.

F) Justify your choice of tone with evidence from the text.
The article has used repretetion - 'strongly denied ' is used more than once in the aricle. This is to get Donald Trumps view of the situation across.

I) Think of the ideas, opinions or issues involved in this article you have read.

In my opinion i believe this issue to be a very major issue because of the effects it my have had on Donald Trumps campaign.Although, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States many people were not happy with him being elected.For Donald Trumps team being in contact with the Russians before his campaign could give Hilary or non Donald Trump voters a reason for him being elected.Donald Trumps team being in contact with the Russians was said to have something to do with 'sabotaging' Hilary Clinton's campaign. I do not understand why this information is not effecting Donald Trump as he is now the President Of The united States.Was there not enough proof or evidence for this to be true? And if this was to be true can this effect Donald Trump as president and give justice to Hilary.
'Four current and former US officials told the New York Times'
This conveys how this information is probably true due to coming from a quite high and reliable sources.In my opinion this should be enough evidence to investigate if the campaign between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton was fair.  What I found interesting was they have more than enough evidence such as 'they had intercepted phone records and phone calls and had found evidence of the repeated communications last year'. I did not understand why this information was not told earlier but after Donald Trump was elected.
'They discovered that Russia had carried out a "campaign of influence" upon the election, posting fake news to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy.'
This clearly shows this was in order for Donald Trump to be elected president and ruin Hilary's Campaign.
'US intelligence officials also did not say how much of the communication with Russia was related to business.' This goes to show how he cma


Who: Donald Trump and The Russians
Where: Washington
What: Donald Trump in contact with Russians before elected President.
Why: Sabotage Hilary's Campaign.
How: Hacking of the

Sentence Structure

Simple: Mr Trump later said he was being "sarcastic".
Mr Trump knew for almost three weeks, and Vice President Mike Pence was told 11 days after his boss.
Compound: The FBI is also trying to determine the accuracy of the so-called dossier, compiled by a former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, which allegedly contains salacious details about Mr Trump and evidence of his and his associates' links to Russia, which the White House has strongly denied.

Pick 5 Articles :
  • Purpose and The Audience

Citizen Journalism

  • What is Citizen Journalism?
Citizen Journalism is for the audience/public citizen to be able to play a role in collecting, reporting and analysing news.This is important because it allows newsgathering and reporting that functions outside mainstream media institutions.

  • Dan Gilmore
Dan Gillmor is an American technology writer and columnist. He is director of the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship.Dan Gillmor is the author of We the Media (2004),which describes the Internet as an opportunity for independent journalists to challenge the consolidation of traditional media and contains Gillmor's widely cited realization: "my readers know more than I do." The book offers a guide to new internet tools for journalists, including weblogs, RSS, SMS, peer-to-peer, and predicts how these tools will change journalism.In 2010, Gillmor published Mediactive a book on digital media literacy.

Journalism and the News Industry

  • TV:
BBC News
Channel 4
SKY News
  • Web:
Main providers on the web with news pages are conglomerate companies.
Web 3.0 era has allowed anyone to create their own site.
Huffinghton Post. Less bisased than other other web news site.
  • Radio
Hallam FM

  • Social

  • Press Assosiation
Is a commercial company operating in the UK.
  • Reuters
A global worldwide news company,which gatheres worldwide news internationall.

LO3 Research Techniques - Primary Research

Tuesday 14 March 2017

LO2: News Article Analysis

To investigate why these stories are of difference o he audience access one story and start to look at the following features;

     Avalanche engulfs skiers at Tignes ski resort in France

Summarise the main points of the article.

     Who – Skiers in France

     What -  French Skiers attacked by hit by an avalanche

     Where-  French Alpine resort of Tignes

     When - 7/03/17 Tuesday Morning

     Why? -  Natural causes

This article written by the Guardian is quite formal due to it being aimed at an ABC1 audience. This means that this article is written with high vocabulary. The purpose of this article is to inform people on the disaster that had occurred. The tone this was written in a formal tone just like every other Guardian News article. Again this is because of the ABC1 audience The Guardian's articles are written for.

This headline catches the audience through using leaving the reader/ audience to want to know what has happened next. This is through not informing if the skiers to the audience whether if they are safe, alive or rescued. This leaves the reader wondering and to carry on reading the article in order to find out more information from the dilemma. Also, this article uses many different sentence structures such as simple, compound and complex an example of a compound sentence used in this article is 'Skiers on a “family slope” in the popular French Alpine resort of Tignes that was hit by an avalanche on Tuesday morning have all been found safe and well, French officials have said. ‘This is an example of a compound sentence used in this article written by the Guardian. Another sentence structure used is Compound sentence 'Two hours after the avalanche, local gendarmes who feared a large number of skiers were under the snow, said they had examined every metre of the piste and found no victims'. This article has also featured compound sentence. As well as compound and complex The Guardian article has also included a variety of different simple sentences an example of this is ‘The ski resort was closed to the public'

The word 'difficult' is repeated in this article. This is in order for the reader to understand the situation that has occurred and how hard it was. BBC news, Channel 5 and The Guardian are many television and newspaper companies that have covered this unfortunate accident. This formal article written by the Guardian has also featured words such as ‘impossible’ and ‘difficult’. I believe this is intended to present the hard struggle this dilemma was to successfully solve.

     Kyle Christie off Geordie Shore tattooed his own face on girlfriend Holly Hagan and she is FURIOUS

Summarise the main points of the article.

     Who -Kylie Christie and Holly Hagan

     What -  Kylie Christie tattooed his face on Holly Hagan

     Where- Newcastle

     When - 6/03/17

     Why? - Publicity

 This is an informal written article aimed to be targeted at a C2DE group from ages between 16-25. This article is also targeted at a female audience. The purpose of this article is to inform the females in the c2de group what. This article is written in an informal tone due to it being targeted at young age group and a c3de group. The headline includes who this articles is based on in order to for readers to want to have more information about the situation. Especially, due to the article being based on Reality T.V stars. This headline is informal using lower vocabulary. This article uses a variety of many different complex sentence in this article written by Heat World. For example, ‘While Holly picked a thoughtful design for Kylie, he decided to go with a huge black and white image of his own face obtained by The Sun Online.’

‘This has, understandably, caused a massive argument between the pair, as Holly thought he was going to pick something that, y'know, wasn't his own head’. Also, they have used the word ‘Y’know’. This clearly show how informally written this article is. For example, The Independent would not use words such as ‘y’know’ due to it being very informal and not suited for their audience. Using this word also gives a friendly feel toward the reader.

·         Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election

The Independent


Donald Trump campaign aides repeatedly spoke with Russian officials in run-up to election

Summarise the main points of the article.

     Who - Trumps campaign team

     What - Trumps team had been in contact before the election

     Where- Washington DC – US capital

     When – Run up to the U.S Presidential election

     Why? - Possibly to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy through Russia posting fake news.

'Law enforcement and intelligence agencies found that members of Donald Trump’s campaign and other associates had repeated contact with Russian officials in the run-up to the election.'

This shows the purpose of the article is to inform the public on what is occurring. Also this shows the purpose of the article is to report to us on what has happened. Russians being in contact with the Donald Trump’s team before the election was detailed in the article in order to report and the public on what has happened.

'Intelligence agencies were also concerned by Mr Trump's remarks last summer'

This clearly shows how the article is also a report. The Independent has provided information on the problem. The tone uses

In my opinion I believe this issue to be a very major issue because of the effects it may have had on Donald Trump’s campaign. Although, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States many people were not happy with him being elected. For Donald Trump’s team being in contact with the Russians before his campaign could give Hilary or non-Donald Trump voters a reason for him being elected. However, USA have denied this to be true. Donald Trump’s team being in contact with the Russians was said to have something to do with 'sabotaging' Hilary Clinton's campaign. I do not understand why this information is not effecting Donald Trump as he is now the President of the United States. Was there not enough proof or evidence for this to be true? And if this was to be true can this effect Donald Trump as president and give justice to Hilary.

'Four current and former US officials told the New York Times'

This conveys how this information is probably true due to coming from a quite high and reliable sources. In my opinion this should be enough evidence to investigate if the campaign between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton was fair.  What I found interesting was they have more than enough evidence such as 'they had intercepted phone records and phone calls and had found evidence of the repeated communications last year'. I did not understand why this information was not told earlier but after Donald Trump was elected.

'They discovered that Russia had carried out a "campaign of influence" upon the election, posting fake news to sabotage Hillary Clinton's candidacy.'

This clearly shows this was in order for Donald Trump to be elected president and ruin Hilary's Campaign.

'US intelligence officials also did not say how much of the communication with Russia was related to business.'

     Anything for her princess! Pregnant BeyoncĂ© dresses five-year-old Blue Ivy in $26K silk-chiffon Gucci dress for Beauty and The Beast premiere

Summarise the main points of the article.

     Who- BeyoncĂ©

     What - Dresses her daughter in a 26k dress.

     Where- Beauty and The Beast Premiere

     When - 07/03/17

     Why? -

This is another article targeted at a female C2DE category due to it being an article based on celebrity. Also, aimed at a female audience. This female audience would have interest in makeup, clothes etc. This article is informally written in order to suit the target audience. This means the use of low vocab such as words like ‘good’ an ‘
smaller’ to describe things. The headline gave quite a lot of information on what the target audience would like to hear such as expensive brands e.g. Gucci and major prices. The article was filled with mostly simple sentence. Probably due to the C2DE category this article was aimed at using simple sentence.
'Such as Even at five years old Beyonce's daughter is learning first-hand the price of being a diva’. The headline is quite long which is common when it comes to

Adele Spoke About Falling For Her Husband And It’s Cute

Summarise the main points of the article.

     Who - Adele

     What -  Revealed she is now married after 4 years with him.

     Where - London

     When - At the Grammys.

     Why? - In order for people to know she is now married

 Buzz feed generally creates articles aimed at young adults and teens in the c2de category. Although, Buzz feed is targeted at both genders. This article was specifically targeted at a female audience. Buzz feed being aimed at a young audience in a low NRS category this is the reason for they use of low vocabulary. Also, the article is based on a celebrity. This is another example of its targeted audience being a 16- 25 female age range. The headline features an A-list very well-known celebrity. This is because featuring a person everyone knows will encourage people to be more likely to read the magazine. For example, featuring an article on a not very well known person would make the article not as successful as an article featuring Adele. As you can see the article is not just informally written it doesn’t include much information. But what it does include quite a lot is images. I believe this is because of the target audience this article is written for and how images will immediately attract the audience. This article features word choices such as ‘brb’ in their article. This clearly portrays the age this article is targeted at. Simple sentence structures are used throughout this article. Again this is due to the teenage target audience. For example, ‘Brb, sobbing forever.’ Is a short sentence used, which features teenager’s slang. This short sentence also is a way of the writer connecting with the reader by writing the article in a friendly way as if the reader and he writer are friends.